How Chamomile Tea & Herbal Drinks Reset Sleep Cycle

More than 90 per cent population consumes different types of tea in the day. Likewise, studies show an average adult drinks two cups of tea in the daily routine. Further, some drink more than that and it is good to drink tea for concentration and coordination. However, drinking too much tea or caffeinated beverages can ruin sleep hygiene. Again, caffeine affects the release of melatonin – the sleep hormone that promotes sleepiness. In addition, with a higher intake of caffeine, the body releases stress hormones too. Therefore, it is important to focus on your daily fluids intake. In fact, some people buy sleeping pills online in UK to manage their disturbed sleep-wake cycle. However, experts say if you are a lover of tea and find it hard to stay away from Tea, we have good news for you. Again, all you need to do is to shuffle your Tea love with herbal tea. Likewise, researchers say drinking herbal tea can improve sleep hygiene. Further, herbal tea, like chamomile tea is good...