From PM’s Lockdown Parties to Russian Invasion in Ukraine; Know What’s Latest in the UK- UKSLP
Prime Minister Boris Johnson is facing severe backlash and resigns calls in the country. The Bournemouth MP said that he would submit the letter of no confidence in the Prime Minister. As the ongoing allegations for the lockdown parties in Downing Street are putting a lot of pressure on Boris Johnson.
The PM did not address the questions asked at the No 10 in the PMQs. Sources said that a handful of MPs have submitted letters to the backbench group responsible for leadership contests.
However, at least 54 votes needed to write to the committee chairman for setting up a vote for the future Prime Minister. Chairman Graham Brady said that the exact numbers of MPs who submitted the votes are still unknown.
On the Russian Side
Sky News reported that new Satellite images revealed Russian extension to Ukraine’s borders. The images came after a day after Ukraine’s presidential news conference with Boris Johnson. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced that any war would not be limited to Ukraine only. He added that this is going to be a European war, a full-fledged war if Russia invades.
In the images, it is visible that the Russian tents and camps in Novoozerne.
More Russian troops are accommodated near the Ukrainian borders, the satellite images revealed. In the previous images, Russian large equipment’s were visible. They were deployed near the Ukraine borders.
The camps in the images showed that they could hold more soldiers too.
A spokesperson said that over the last few months they had deployed many army equipments near the Ukrainian borders. The tents are only 80 miles from the Ukrainian borders, sources revealed.
The images showed that tanks and other military equipment were deployed near the borders.
The Russian government is saying that they are conducting training exercises in the past two and this is also a part of that too.
The deployment of tents near the borders shows that it’s not a training exercise, a source said.
Climate Change in the UK
UK plants now flowering a month earlier due to Climate changes in the world. A recent study showed that due to climate change in the world, the UK plants are flowering a month earlier.
Flowers are appearing earlier on the trees and shrubs, images are visible over the internet. Scientists are saying that severe climate changes can knock off birds and insects and affect the whole ecosystem on the planet.
Our climate is changing very rapidly and it will affect the
environment too. Therefore, it is important to focus on small changes in our
lives and try to curb carbon emissions, BBC reported. For more visit UK Sleeping Pill .

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